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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 06/19/2007

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Minutes of Meeting of June 19, 2007
Senior Center Conference Room

Present: Mark Berry, Chairman; Moe Barocas, Lynn Hiller, Julia Willecke         
Absent: Emily Beebe

Also Attending: Helen Miranda Wilson, former Selectman and Water Commissioner; and Henry Boriskin

Chairman Mark Berry called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

The BWC discussed the survey of the land behind ball field at Lawrence Road. The Recreation Department had some time ago submitted plans for soccer field behind the baseball field.  The question was whether a tank could be located in the same area as the playing fields.  If the soccer field location and size were modified, there would still be room in the parcel for a tank.  From the floor, Helen Wilson suggested calling the DEP for a determination on playing field expansion in the water area.  Barocas said that the BWC should first contact the Recreation Dept. Head about the soccer field.  Barocas also suggested sending the Recreation Department’s plans to Environmental Partners, who are designing the water tank.  Berry said that some of the possible locations of field and tank could be considered at the hearing June 27, 2007.  

The questionnaire preparation was discussed.  Paul Millet needed to know what options the BWC wanted to use.  Helen Wilson questioned the use of EPG for tabulating the results of the survey.  The Board wanted to mail out the cover letter, the questionnaire, and a stamped return envelope.    

Barocas moved to approve the minutes of June 5, 2007.  Hiller seconded and the motion carried 4-0.

Henry Boriskin asked about the size of pipe a homeowner needs to connect to the water system.  Berry explained that the Town provides the pipe and meter.  Berry said the pipe is most likely three quarter inch.  The pipe is not usually installed in advance, but Mr. Boriskin was referred to the Rules and Regulations, which are available online at the Wellfleet website.  

Double check valves are now installed to prevent water from returning into the water system.  Berry said meters with check valves protect against backflow.  Also heating systems have expansion tanks to provide for this.  Berry said that if these features are not put into the Regulations, installers will not necessarily put them in.  At some point all the water system users will need the double check valve meters and expansion tanks.  The Regulations should specify their installation for new connections.  Barocas said that the expansion tanks might not be in the purview of the Water Commissioners, but Berry said the meters and tanks are installed in conjunction with each other.   Wilson said that the double valve meter had been considered in the original draft of the Rules and Regulations.  This regulation put in place would protect the water system from contamination.  

Berry moved that all new connections and any replacement meter in the Wellfleet Municipal Water System shall be a double check valve style meter in conjunction with an approved expansion tank. Barocas seconded.  A hearing date was planned for a time after the water tank hearing.  Further regulation revisions were considered, so a hearing date was not set.  The motion carried 4-0.

Wilson said she had some material from an early version of the Rules and Regulations that she will share with the BWC.  As-Builts for the water connections were considered as another regulation.  How these would be reviewed was a matter of discussion.  

Barocas moved to adjourn. Willecke seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
_______________________________ __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Mark Berry, Chairman
